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Lovable Bat Gets Startled When He Hears Rescuer's Voice

Humphrey the bat is slowly being brought back to full health by his rescuer. As his rescuer starts speaking, Humphrey looks shocked when he hears his rescuer’s voice but goes back to adorably eating his banana. Humphrey is wrapped up tight in a blanket and fed a cold banana to help speed up the recovery. The rescuer told ViralVids, “Humphrey found himself in a spot of trouble when he flew into a courtyard and he simply didn’t have room to fly out. Big adult males like Humphrey can have a 3-foot wingspan and they need room and height to launch. Rescued by our fabulous phone coordinator Keith, Humphrey was unharmed but he will be kept in care under observation for a short time just to ensure he suffered no bruising or other injuries that sometimes take a few days to appear.” Credit: Batzilla the Bat via ViralVids